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Replacing the oil separator filter
Published in:2016-11-04 15:21:47 Share to:
Replacing the oil separator filter
When the compressor oil consumption has increased considerably, check the oil filter and piping, tubing, and other back is blocked and cleaned , if oil consumption is still very large , it may have been that the deterioration of the oil and gas separator , the need for timely replacement ; replace the filter when the pressure is zero , indicating that there is a fault or filter airflow has been short-circuited , this time also apply when ; when the differential pressure across the oil and gas separation filter should be replaced when reached 0.15MPa .
Average replacement time from 3000 to 4000 hours , such as when poor environment in which the use of time will be shortened. Replace the following steps:
First, the external models
1 , compressor shutdown , air outlets closed vent valve opens , confirm that the system is no pressure.
2 , after the replacement of new oil separator to remove.
Second, the model built-in
1 , compressor shutdown , air outlets closed vent valve opens , confirm that the system is no pressure.
2 , the open top of the barrel and gas conduit , while maintaining the pressure in the valve outlet pipe to remove the cooler .
3 , removal of the return line .
4 Remove the bolts on the cover of the oil barrel , remove the gas barrel cover.
5 Remove the oil separator replaced with new oil separator .
6 , according to the reverse order of disassembly installed .
Note : When installing the return line , you must ensure that the tube is inserted into the bottom of the filter. Replace the oil separator attention to electrostatic discharge , take the metal mesh and drums shell Unicom up . Each pad can be nailed down to about five staples, and set transparent antistatic poly tired ignited an explosion , the need to prevent contaminated products fall within the barrel , so as not to affect the operation of the compressor .